San José State University
July 13-27, 2025

The Immigrant Experience in California
Through Literature and History
Q: When is the application deadline?
Applications are due: March 5, 2025.
Applicants will be informed about their admission status on: April 2, 2025
Accepted applicants will need to confirm institute attendance by: April 16, 2025
Q: How many copies of my application should I mail?
A: If you chose to mail your application, we ask that you mail four copies of all materials (address below, postmarked by March 5, 2025.)If you submit electronically via this website or email, you need only submit one copy of the application.
Q: I thought the NEH required letters of recommendation. Did the policy change?
A: The NEH required letters at one time, but they are now only asking for the contact information of two professional references. However, if you would still like to ask your references to submit letters of recommendation with your application, you are free to do so.
Q: Where do I send the four copies of my application?
A: For regular mail applications, the application must be postmarked by the deadline and mailed to:
Dr. Matthew Spangler
Department of Communication Studies
San José State University
One Washington SquareSan José, CA 95192
For electronic submissions, send them to: or submit via the online form here.
Q: I found out about your program after the deadline. Can I still apply?
A: Unfortunately, no. In order for us to consider your application, it must be received by the application deadline.
Q: If I’m not a classroom teacher, can I still apply? OR I teach abroad, can I still apply?
A: Full-time teachers in American K-12 schools, whether public, charter, independent, or religiously affiliated, as well as home-schooling parents, are eligible to apply to NEH Summer Institutes. Americans teaching abroad are also eligible if a majority of the students they teach are American citizens. Librarians and school administrators are also eligible.
For more information, please read the “Application Process” page.
Librarians and administrators: it is helpful to state how you will be able to share the knowledge of the institute with the students of your school.
Q: How many Summer Institutes can I apply to?
A: You may apply to no more than two NEH Summer Programs (Seminars, Institutes, orLandmarks Workshops) per year, and you may attend only one. Once you accept a program’s offer, you may not withdraw your acceptance to switch to another NEH Summer Seminar, Institute, or Landmarks Workshop.
Q: Can more than one person from my school apply?
A: Yes.
Q: How will I be notified if I am accepted?
A: All applicants, whether accepted, waitlisted, or rejected, will be informed by email on April 2, 2025. Additionally, we also call all accepted applicants on the phone. If your email address or phone number has changed since you applied on the NEH website, please let us know so we can update our records. Accepted applicants will have one week to accept or decline the offer.
Q: Can I get continuing education credits for attending the Summer Institute?
A: Yes. San José State University will offer up to 7 units of academic credit that Scholars can earn through participation in the institute at a cost of $90 per credit. Credit will be in Communication Studies. More information about signing up for academic credit will be provided upon acceptance to the institute.
Q: If I’m accepted, can my family and/or spouse come along?
A: This program encourages interaction among a group of NEH Scholars. While your familyand/or spouse may come to San José while you are participating in the institute, the NEH does not allow nonparticipants to attend sessions or go on excursions.
Q: Is this institute structured primarily for teachers in California?
A: No. Though the immigrant experience in California is our primary “case study,” we have chosen the topics and readings for the institute so that they might deepen an understanding of immigrant experiences and communities around the country. Summer Scholars are also encouraged to bring to the institute literary or historical texts about immigrant experiences in their own regions of the country. Scholars would be welcome to focus their workshop participation on these texts.
Q: I still have a question that wasn’t answered here. Whom do I contact?
A: Maria Judnick, our Program Coordinator, would be happy to answer any additional inquiries. Please send them to